Transitioning to Sway/Wayland for desktop environment.
Expect iterative changes over the following months while fine-tuning happens on real hardware.
Going directly to hardware trials because virtualbox support requires too much undesirable configuration:
alacritty does not load bash_profile, which means gvm never refreshes.
I should move most of the non-static content into bashrc instead, which does get loaded every new shell.
Perhaps hardcode gvm loading into the bashrc, and only keep raw static exports in bash_profile?
Consider modifying this line to stop the
bindsym $mod+x exec swaymsg exit
bindsym $mod+x exec "systemctl --user import-environment; systemctl --user stop; swaymsg exit"
When I eventually break down and buy elden ring, try these?
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 mangohud gamemoderun %command%
May need other steps for ultrawide support?
./er-patcher -r 144 -uavc -- env <above command>
to userspace systemdChange aur packages to install under the user being created instead of a temporary user
investigate poweralertd
and batsignal
to setup low battery alerts with mako
create alacritty config copying from former xdefaults
continue to refine notes/
to account for the lack of obvious world-knowledge
Test SteamVR
Example that matters?
for amd cpu: k10temp
followed by tctl
for intel cpu: coretemp
followed by package id 0
for amd gpu amdgpu
followed by edge
for nvidia we need to use nvidia-smi
and parse that instead, but that also means if nvidia-smi
does not exist we have to back out!
_For this we will want to have an exec-if
that checks for results
There may be cases where there is no GPU, so when no sensors appear can we have the custom module omitted?
For gpu temperatures:
, followed by edge
This may not exist for laptops, may differ for nvidia, and may also differ depending on the driver.
"custom/cputemp": {
"format": "{}°C",
"interval": "3",
"exec": "/usr/local/bin/temps cpu",
"exec-if": "/usr/local/bin/temps cpu can"
"custom/gputemp": {
"format": "GPU: {}°C",
"interval": "3",
"exec": "/usr/local/bin/temps gpu",
"exec-if": "/usr/local/bin/temps gpu can"
scratchpad show
with exec
New /usr/local/bin/alacrittyq
with $mod+tilde
# @todo: query swaymsg get_tree for alacrittyq
# if not exists launch
# if exists
# if hidden in scratchpad show
# if shown hide in scratchpad
alacritty --class "alacrittyq"
output * scale 2
, but unique profile path?)views/
, the other 2TB disk