# todo Transitioning to Sway/Wayland for desktop environment. _Expect iterative changes over the following months while fine-tuning happens on real hardware._ ## sway Going directly to hardware trials because virtualbox support requires too much undesirable configuration: - Verify usespace systemd sway-session launch works as intended - _does sway config loading from non-existing directory crash?_ - Check all userspace service status to see if anything failed (eg. missing package(s) etc...) - Verify whether `~/.config/libfm` is valid, and it's not `~/.config/libfm-gtk3`? - Verify whether we can remove `pash` script in favor of hand-rolled commands - _delete commented commands using old scripts_ - Verify whether `playerctl` can replace `mpv-control`; does it work when on another workspace? - _see if there is an option for inactive windows_ - _delete commented commands using old scripts_ - Try hidpi setting (`output * scale 2`) - Do all my key applications recognize it? - pcmanfm - mpv (???) - firefox - _does firefox look like absolute dogshit?_ - Triple check client menu like my super+tab hotkey that let's you see a list of installed applications - _I don't need this, but other users might..._ - Experiment with left/right alignment keys like I had on my other desktop; and resize support - _While I don't necessarily need complex splitting, I can at least try it and get some hotkeys setup for it_ - Experiment with `Scratchpad` and a hotkye to establish a persistent terminal - _It might be as simple as using a hotkey to send and retrieve from Scratchpad, which extends to all apps?_ - perhaps we can name the scratchpad to allow us to "reserve" one for a script to utilize... - Configure `waybar` - _Improve visual aesthetic?_ - _Eliminate unused or undesired information; battery on desktop?_ - _Auto-hide it?_ - add message to waybar and pactl for battery and volume control warnings - Investigate wofi theming (_Supposedly supports css, but can we import GTk theme?_) - research firefox auto-configuration _or_ copying configuration files (_eg. if plain text can add to dot-files_): - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customizing-firefox-using-autoconfig - verify if it remembers workspaces when re-opened - install `cmst` from aur and try it out as an option for wifi support; if good add to my installation by default - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cmst/ - Multi-Monitor configuration/hotkeys - supposedly each monitor is treated as a separate workspace, so this might work well - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/gr7yvt/assigning_workspaces_to_specific_outputs/ - https://fedoramagazine.org/how-to-setup-multiple-monitors-in-sway/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/ftuiqa/is_it_possible_to_set_my_starting_workspace/ - test/fix multimedia keys for volume change support (_may require actual hardware; would also consider popup icons?_) - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/bwwxg0/xf86_audio_keys/ - Run every single game in my library; make sure everything works - Verify whether we should keep `pash` or the simpler commands work? - Verify whether `adaptive_sync` on my DisplayPort monitor works! - [Verify whether this is needed](https://github.com/lyfeyaj/sublime-text-imfix) - [Firefox Test for video, mic, and screen sharing](https://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/gum_test.html)