# hidpi I recently installed on a laptop with a high DPI display. Turns out, the configuration needed numerous changes, which I will detail here. ## compute DPI I recommend that you compute your DPI first. https://winaero.com/blog/find-change-screen-dpi-linux/ ## configuration First, for the openbox menu, conky, and others, changing `Xft.dpi`. For gnome based applications this is recommended: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 2.0 For `Sublime Text` you need to add `"ui_scale": 2.0` to user configuration. Finally, the scaling of `urxvt` makes the `urzvtq` dimensions a bit large, so I modify `geometry 200x24` to `geometry 200x16` inside `/usr/local/bin/urxvtq`. _We rely on a width larger than the display to force Openbox to auto-shrink it._ For the console displayed at boot, I ran `pacman -Syu terminus-font` and then modified `FONT=koi8u_8x16` to `FONT=ter-932n` inside `/etc/vconsole.conf`. _I prefer `koi8u_8x16` aesthetically, but it is too small on large displays._ To fix the cursor several files needed to be modified from `Chameleon-SkyBlue-Regular` to `Chameleon-SkyBlue-Large`. _This includes `~/.gtkrc-2.0`, `~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini`, `~/.icons/default/index.theme`, and `~/.Xdefaults`._