# todo - consider adding `https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yay/` to the installed AUR packages - try and figure out how to add `ctrl+c` support to the getty login (_like debian_) - determine whether we can detect "hidpi" without xserver to automate configuration - determine whether we can fully automate laptop configuration - _for example setting `panel_items = LTSCB` in `~/.config/tint2/tint2rc` to display battery power_ - experiment with `fcitx-mozc` and document enabling `ja_JP` language (_instead of making it a default configuration_) - investigate `libfm` and `pcmanfm` enhancements - a patch to enable directory thumbnail generation - support for `webp` files; including animated `webp` files - try out i3 window manager - try out `Dolphin` as an alternative to `pcmanfm` - try out `docky` as a combined replacement for `gmrun` and `tint2` - experiment with tint2 alternatives (menubar): - dzen - lemonbar - polybar - yabar - i3blocks - stalonetray - experiment with notification services (_I don't use one personally_): - dunst - statnot - twmn - experiment gmrun alternatives (launchers; _would love one that can do math_): - rofi - albert - dmenu - kupfer