@@ -8,199 +8,50 @@ _Expect iterative changes over the following months while fine-tuning happens on
## sway
## sway
-Create a `sway` branch to test building a minimal install with a brand new window manager and removing xorg packages!
-Disable all GUI packages to build a "minimal" install.
-We'll take that image and triple check package dependency chains for sway and applications to run on it
-This will likely require significant refinement, as I'll need to test configurations on real hardware to validate multi-monitor behavior.
-Further, it will require some time to get used to it, but from rudimentary tests I have been able to run every game of interest on it, and with significantly increased performance!
-Installed packages:
- sway
- alacritty
- wofi
- waybar
- xorg-xwayland
- xorg-xlsclients
- qt5-wayland
- glfw-wayland
- grim
- slurp
- xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
- libpipewire02
- ttf-font-awesome
- wl-clipboard
- lxsession-gtk3
-Next create a config for sway:
- mkdir -p ~/.config/sway
- cp /etc/sway/config ~/.config/sway/config
-_I'm still tinkering with one using `wofi` for `$menu` and waybar, but it's not nearly ready._
-Migrate as many hotkeys from `rc.xml` as possible to sway config
-Added to `~/.bash_profile`:
- export SDL_VIDEODRIVER="wayland"
-_The `SDL_VIDEODRIVER` is for steam, and may break in many games, so I'll need to add overrides for incompatible titles using `SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11` in steam launch commands, or if more games fail than no I can invert my setup so I add the override for games that I know work with wayland._
-Switch to waybar in sway config (_this is a massive improvement over the default_):
- bar {
- swaybar_command waybar
- }
-_I need to research how to fully customize waybar, because it has a **lot** of data and could be refined!_
-I need to test wayland native alternatives to `urxvt` and `pcmanfm`; one recommendation is `alacritty` as a `urxvt` replacement, and `pcmanfm-gtk3` is supposedly wayland-compatible without xwayland. Needs to be tested.
-I also need to test a base install with **no** GUI packages and manually installing the sway dependencies to ensure a minimal build.
-Add logic to sway config that starts sway-session target:
- exec_always "systemctl --user import-environment; systemctl --user start sway-session.target"
-_Delete legacy userspace service files, and edit/change others for sway-session compatibility._
-Create new systemd service files for:
-- update-desktop-database (oneshot)
-- xdg-user-dirs-update (oneshot)
-- gtk3-settings (oneshot)
-_Verify whether we can delete `.Xdefaults` and `.Xresources`, as both should be legacy xorg specific; eg. urxvt._
-Replace `/usr/local/bin/screenshot`:
- grim -o $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') "$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshots/$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%N.png')"
-Replace `/usr/local/bin/screenshot-selection`:
- dimensions=$(slurp 2>/dev/null)
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- grim -g "$dimensions" "$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshots/$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%N.png')"
- else
- grim -g "$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -j '.. | select(.type?) | select(.focused).rect | "\(.x),\(.y) \(.width)x\(.height)"')" "$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshots/$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%N.png')"
- fi
-Replace `/usr/local/bin/wallpaper`:
- #!/bin/bash
- # set sane defaults
- [ -z "$wallpaper_sleep_for" ] && wallpaper_sleep_for="180"
- [ -z "$wallpaper_path" ] && wallpaper_path="$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/wallpaper"
- mkdir -p "$wallpaper_path"
- # validate wallpaper path
- [ $(find "$wallpaper_path" -type f | wc -l) -gt 0 ] || exit 1
- # there can be only one
- while [ $(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -c "$0") -gt 2 ]; do
- kill $(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -v $$ | grep "$0" | awk '{print $2}') &> /dev/null
- done
- # infinitely change wallpaper
- while true; do
- sway_outputs=( $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[].name') )
- for op in "${sway_outputs[@]}"; do
- wp="$(find $wallpaper_path -type f | sort -R | tail -1)"
- swaymsg "output $op bg $wp" fit \#001E27
- done
- sleep $wallpaper_sleep_for
- done
+Going directly to hardware trials because virtualbox support requires too much undesirable configuration:
+- Verify usespace systemd sway-session launch works as intended
+ - _does sway config loading from non-existing directory crash?_
+- Check all userspace service status to see if anything failed (eg. missing package(s) etc...)
+- Verify whether `~/.config/libfm` is valid, and it's not `~/.config/libfm-gtk3`?
+- Verify whether we can remove `pash` script in favor of hand-rolled commands
+ - _delete commented commands using old scripts_
+- Verify whether `playerctl` can replace `mpv-control`; does it work when on another workspace?
+ - _see if there is an option for inactive windows_
+ - _delete commented commands using old scripts_
+- Try hidpi setting (`output * scale 2`)
+ - Do all my key applications recognize it?
+ - pcmanfm
+ - mpv (???)
+ - firefox
+ - _does firefox look like absolute dogshit?_
+- Triple check client menu like my super+tab hotkey that let's you see a list of installed applications
+ - _I don't need this, but other users might..._
+- Experiment with left/right alignment keys like I had on my other desktop; and resize support
+ - _While I don't necessarily need complex splitting, I can at least try it and get some hotkeys setup for it_
+- Experiment with `Scratchpad` and a hotkye to establish a persistent terminal
+ - _It might be as simple as using a hotkey to send and retrieve from Scratchpad, which extends to all apps?_
+ - perhaps we can name the scratchpad to allow us to "reserve" one for a script to utilize...
+- Configure `waybar`
+ - _Improve visual aesthetic?_
+ - _Eliminate unused or undesired information; battery on desktop?_
+ - _Auto-hide it?_
+- add message to waybar and pactl for battery and volume control warnings
+- Investigate wofi theming (_Supposedly supports css, but can we import GTk theme?_)
- research firefox auto-configuration _or_ copying configuration files (_eg. if plain text can add to dot-files_):
- research firefox auto-configuration _or_ copying configuration files (_eg. if plain text can add to dot-files_):
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customizing-firefox-using-autoconfig
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customizing-firefox-using-autoconfig
- verify if it remembers workspaces when re-opened
- verify if it remembers workspaces when re-opened
+- install `cmst` from aur and try it out as an option for wifi support; if good add to my installation by default
+ - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cmst/
+- Multi-Monitor configuration/hotkeys
+ - supposedly each monitor is treated as a separate workspace, so this might work well
+ - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/gr7yvt/assigning_workspaces_to_specific_outputs/
+ - https://fedoramagazine.org/how-to-setup-multiple-monitors-in-sway/
+ - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/ftuiqa/is_it_possible_to_set_my_starting_workspace/
- test/fix multimedia keys for volume change support (_may require actual hardware; would also consider popup icons?_)
- test/fix multimedia keys for volume change support (_may require actual hardware; would also consider popup icons?_)
- https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/bwwxg0/xf86_audio_keys/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/bwwxg0/xf86_audio_keys/
-- add `yad` to packages as a wayland-native `zenity` alternative
- - add messages to waybar for battery
- - add messages to pash for volume changes?
-- install `cmst` from aur and try it out as an option for wifi support
- - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cmst/
-- investigate using `scratchpad` feature of `sway` for persistent terminal with toggle hotkey
-- investigate creating workspace affinities for things like fullscreen games so it automates placement/movement
-- set sway config to load userspace `.d` directory for custom settings
- - touchpad-specific configuration; we may be able to add a default if we can identify ideal settings...
- - display-specific configuration
-- on real hardware I'll need to test/refine sway config hotkeys for better navigation
- - test creating workspace "affinity" for games and videos etc... so they open into a desirable placement?
- - multi-monitor support and configuration; I'll need hotkeys that move applications between displays
- - supposedly each monitor is treated as a separate workspace, so this might work well
- - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/gr7yvt/assigning_workspaces_to_specific_outputs/
- - https://fedoramagazine.org/how-to-setup-multiple-monitors-in-sway/
- - https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/ftuiqa/is_it_possible_to_set_my_starting_workspace/
- - test left/right arrow navigation; both changing workspaces and also displays
- - _can this be used for all workspaces or only numbered?_
- - _Does it loop?_
-### testing
-- sway launched without any issues
-- waybar is awesome, basically replaces both tint2 AND conky at the same time
- - can we resize and adjust what is displayed?
- - can we add cmst and launch from right click?
- - can we auto-hide/show with modifier keys so fullscreen apps work?
-- wofi is very fast and very clean, but it seems to be pulling from `.desktop` and not raw command line
- - can we disable history so when it cannot find something it doesn't launch the last thing it had?
- - _figure out how to add and run raw cli commands and we'd be set!_
- - can use mod+d for apps and mod+space for terminal commands!
- - I can also load a custom css to style it very nicely
-- alacritty is fast and works great so far, need to test unicode character support, but if so it might be time...
- - _can possibly dump `.Xdefaults`?_
-- firefox ran without xwayland, so it's native!! Woohoo!
-- wine, and specifically genshin, ran natively without using xwayland? Holy shit!
-- sublime text loaded and is wayland native (eg. no xlsclients)
-- Resolution was resolved, but adaptive sync only works with display port not hdmi sadly
- - _genshin now perfectly launches filling the screen without waybar, so maybe it's a non-issue?_
-- used mozilla gum_test to verify webcam, mic, and screen sharing worked
-- I should also investigate get_inputs to see what config options I have there!
- - _namely for mouse and touchpad fine-tuning defaults; if they aren't already_
+- Run every single game in my library; make sure everything works
+- Verify whether we should keep `pash` or the simpler commands work?
+- Verify whether `adaptive_sync` on my DisplayPort monitor works!
+- [Verify whether this is needed](https://github.com/lyfeyaj/sublime-text-imfix)
+- [Firefox Test for video, mic, and screen sharing](https://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/gum_test.html)